Movie Trailer Release: "GAUN AAYEKO BATO" - A Journey to the Village - Mero Kuraa


Movie Trailer Release: "GAUN AAYEKO BATO" - A Journey to the Village


Menchhyayem Pictures and Baasuri Films have unveiled the official trailer for their latest film, "GAUN AAYEKO BATO" (A Road to Village). Scheduled to hit cinemas on June 7th (Jestha 25th in the Nepali calendar), this new Nepali movie is generating significant buzz with its evocative and thought-provoking storyline.

The film boasts a stellar lineup of actors, with Dayahang Rai leading the cast as Babu. He is joined by Pashupati Rai, who portrays his wife, and Prasan Rai in the role of Bindre. The cast also includes Prem Subba, Keshab Rai, Raj Thapa, and Sumitra Rai, each bringing their unique talents to the screen and enriching the film's narrative.

"GAUN AAYEKO BATO" is a collaborative effort, co-produced by Gaun Ghar Productions and Chomolungma Productions. The producers, Amod Rai and Nabin Subba, have brought together an experienced team to bring this story to life. The film also benefits from the oversight and contributions of executive producers Sanju Rai, Devraj Rai, Narhang Rai, and Bhim Rai, who have ensured a high-quality cinematic experience.

The creative team behind the film is equally impressive. The story, crafted by Mahesh Rai, delves into the socio-economic changes brought about by modern infrastructure in rural Nepal. The screenplay, written by Mahesh Rai in collaboration with Nabin Subba, promises to capture the essence of this transition. Josh Herum's cinematography is expected to beautifully depict the scenic yet changing landscape of the village, while Kwan Pun Leung's editing will bring coherence and rhythm to the film's narrative.

From the trailer, an audience gets a feel of what is in stock in the film in terms of that central theme further depicting the strained family relationships, especially within the Nepalese countryside. It specifically focuses on the impact of modern infrastructure—represented by the motor road—on the traditional lifestyle and relationships within a Rai family in Bhojpur.

The storyline focuses on the emotional highs and lows experienced by Babu and his family as they navigate the changes brought by the new motor road. The trailer hints at conflicts and reconciliations, portraying a rich tapestry of human emotions and interactions.

"GAUN AAYEKO BATO" promises to be a poignant narrative that delves into the socio-economic changes brought about by development in rural areas. It highlights the generational divide and the resulting conflicts and reconciliations within a family. The trailer of the movie is vibrant and promises that the audience will be able to feast their eyes on some stunning visuals while watching the movie.

With its premiere set for early June, anticipation is building. "GAUN AAYEKO BATO" is set to offer a deep, reflective look at the transition from traditional to modern life in Nepal, making it a must-watch for cinema enthusiasts and those interested in heartfelt, locally-rooted stories.

Mark your calendars for June 7th to witness this cinematic journey in theaters.

Click here to watch trailer